Oh, Max. ——————– “I’ma scared, so I’s gonna hide unda here wif you. Yous won’ts even knowses I’m here.” — Max, probably. (It’s times like this that I regret not having Max talk)
Archive for max
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——————– Yes, I spent about half an hour on this page. No, I don’t care. 😀 But with that said, new record-setter for most characters in one page (seven) and also in one panel (also seven).
——————– This was one of the bigger challenges of writing the scripts for this arc…it makes sense that everyone would get in everyone’s way, but Raoul is the responsible one. How’s he gonna get distracted from finding Dook?
——————– This page was both fun and stressful to draw. I kept having flashbacks to the last time I dropped some heavy objects onto a character’s head.