Now Chessie, cliches are part of the movie-going experience. Yes, they are usually predictable and laughably obvious, but that’s what makes them fun. …Sometimes.

On a completely unrelated note… For anyone that lives in the RDU area of NC, you’ll know that Animazement is coming to the Raleigh Convention Center from the 25th through the 27th of May. I’m not setting up a panel or anything, but I will be there. So if you see someone walking around with a backpack full of puppets and a certain squirrel chattering away, stop by and say hello! ^_^


Chessie would be amazing at CinemaSins.  *ding!*

This page is one of the reasons I love working with Kelly.  I came up with the idea for it, and was really excited about it, but quickly ran out of things for Chessie to say.  So she filled in the blanks.  So…thanks, Kelly.

When coming up with the idea, I described the movie they’re watching as “Written by Akiva Goldsman.  Directed by Michael Bay.  Produced by Roland Emmerich.”  Thus, I feel really bad for making Chessie and Dook watch this movie.