Don’t worry Dook, maybe they’ll be showing La La Land for you to watch. XD

Well, we’ve arrived at the end of the first chapter of our story.  For whatever “chapter” means in a comic with no real overarching plot (that I’m aware of so far).  What’s a better word for it?  Arc?  Series?  I dunno.

It took us forever to figure out a movie Chessie would want to see.  Initially, we were thinking something squirrel-themed, but after an extensive Google search, the best we could find was a squirrel documentary from the 60’s, a squirrel anime neither of us had ever heard of, and The Nut Job, which I couldn’t in good conscience write into a script.

Next week: Chessie and Dook go to the movies!  Anyone excited?  I know I am.