For Chessie’s sulking face in panel 6, I wasn’t sure if she should have a -3- face or a -^- face. In the end, I like the way it turned out. Kudos to Andore for drawing both and showing me before uploading the comic. ^_^

Ah, it feels good to reach the point where I started using thinner lineart.  I started using it back in Febuary, in Legend of Link 12-70 when I did the drawn panel, but by that time, I’d already finished the first six pages of Through the Window and most of Page 7, so I had to finish Page 7 with thicker lineart and then had to wait until now for the first thin lineart page to go online.

That said, this is also my favorite page of Through the Window so far.  And not just because it’s the first page to be written almost entirely by me.